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Choose your meeting room

Choose your meeting room

Westduin Beach Hotel is the most beautiful spot at the foot of the dunes, only 50 metres from the sea and the beach, where you can have a meeting with your feet in the sand. We have 9 multifunctional meeting rooms available for groups from 4 to 500 people. Our rooms have a surface area that varies from 45 m2 to 500 m2. All meeting rooms are equipped with natural lighting, free Wi-Fi, air conditioning and outdoor access.

Click on a meeting room for more information
Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 Room 8 Room 9

Facilities of the meeting room

  • Good ventilation
  • Divisible spaces
  • 9 meeting rooms ranging from 45m² to 500m²
  • Peace & space

Request a free quote


Zaal M2 Hoogte U-vorm Carré Theater Klas Receptie Diner
1 66 3,50 16 18 50 38 30
2 123 3,50 39 46 100 70 230 50
3 120 3,50 39 46 100 70 230 50
4 105 3,50 39 40 100 70 230 50
5 45 3,50 19 19 50 35 110 40
6 62 3,50 16 20 50 38 30
7 45 2,80 40 25 90 40
8 50 2,80 40 25 90 40
9 50 2,80 40 25 100 40
7 t/m 9 145 2,80 150 95 290 120
2 t/m 6 465 3,50 100 110 500 300 1000 400
1 t/m 9* 850 1500

* Inclusief foyer en bar

How can we help you?

Anne Fleur
de Nood-Plaisier

Sales & Marketing Representative
+31 (0) 118 555 515
Op woensdag afwezig


Sales Manager
+31 (0) 118 555 515

Anne-Fleur en Bart-Braam

Curious about our opportunities ? Request information without obligation

Fill in the form or contact our sales department.
Entering your first name is mandatory
Entering your surname is mandatory
Entering a Valid e-mail address is mandatory
Valid phone number is required
We would like to know how many people you want to come with.
Completing one of this field is mandatory

benefit for business guests

  • 15% discount on food
  • 15% discount on drinks
  • 25% discount on laundry costs
  • Free cancellation until 18:00 on 1 day before arrival
  • Free parking

These conditions are only for business individual guests and from 20 nights.

Strandhotel Westduin Zeeland

Seaside hotel 50 metres from the beach.


Westduin 1
4371 PE 
