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Business event location in Zeeland

Business event location in Zeeland

A stay at the Strandhotel Westduin is a great opportunity to undertake activities together that are completely different from those you would normally undertake. Nature, water and beach are the unique present characteristics of Zeeland. All the more reason to organize your meeting in this environment.

The new inspirational meeting facilities mean that you can literally and figuratively meet with your toes in the sand! Meeting sessions on the beach, lunch breaks in the woods, it's all possible at the Strandhotel Westduin.

The Strandhotel Westduin has been appointed by Meetings/Brinkman Media Group as one of the top 25 meeting locations of the year 2020 in the Benelux. 

Strandhotel Westduin Zeeland

Seaside hotel 50 metres from the beach.


Westduin 1
4371 PE 
